What are the chances Jim Nantz heated up his own mic?

Jim Nantz was unknowingly recorded on camera during the National Anthem for the Bengals/Dolphins Thursday Night Football game a few weeks ago, basically saying that players will only kneel for the anthem when they have cameras on them.

I’m not here to discuss the whole National Anthem thing in sports, I’ll leave that to CMC.

But what if the golden boy of CBS did this on purpose?

The ratings for the NFL this year are drastically lower than previous years.  This could be due to poor play, a lack of points, the election, or even the absence of Tom Brady.  But one thing is true, as South Park discussed, is that people will watch just the National Anthem to see who stands and sits.

So consider this for a second; what can get people to not only watch that part of the broadcast but also stay tuned for the rest of it?  You guessed it, an announcer-player feud of the likes this world has never seen.  It would be RIVETING television.  Edge of your seat type stuff.  I’d pay to listen to Nantz make sly unwarranted comments throughout the game “by accident.”

“aaaand the linebacker causes the fumble, but the runner’s knee might have been down *whispers* ‘wouldn’t be the first time tonight we’ve seen that…’ Oh did I really say that??? I hope nobody heard me!  Back to you Brian.”

Just straight passive aggressiveness worse than a high school girl tweeting about how her friends all decided to hang out without her.  That girl could probably take notes from Jim Nantz.

The NFL, CBS, Jim Nantz.  All basic bitches worrying about ratings and who will ask Stacy to the prom.

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